Chang Warrior Body Cloth (detail). Collection of Courtenay McGowen.

Chang Warrior Body Cloth (detail)

Artist Unidentified Artist, Naga culture, Chang subgroup
Year Mid 20th century
Creation Place India and Myanmar
Medium Indigo, cotton, cowrie shells
Collection Collection of Courtenay McGowen

Nagaland is a remote, mountainous state in northeast India, bordering Myanmar. The Naga people are comprised of dozens of ethnic groups who speak languages related to Tibetan-Burmese. Although the groups are independent of one another, they have many customs and traditions in common. This textile is from the Chang sub-group of the Naga and would have been made for a male warrior. The cotton fabric has been dyed with a plant locally known as osak, which produces indigo dyestuff. The motifs are made with cowrie shells.

Blue Gold Exhibition gallery image, platform Women’s Waist Wrap, Unidentified Maker, Naga, Konyak culture, Early 20th century, India. Indigo, cotton, metal, seed beads. wall Chang Warrior Body Cloth. Both, Collection of Courtenay McGowen.
Blue Gold Exhibition gallery image, platform Women’s Waist Wrap, Unidentified Maker, Naga, Konyak culture, Early 20th century, India. Indigo, cotton, metal, seed beads. wall Chang Warrior Body Cloth. Both, Collection of Courtenay McGowen.
Chang Warrior Body Cloth (detail). Collection of Courtenay McGowen.