Exhibition Highlights

  1. Variety of Indigo Dyestuffs
  2. Thob (Dress)
  3. Chapan (Coat)
  4. Coat and Vest — Dragon Motif
  5. Gallery View, China - Jacket Installation
  6. Couture — dosa Nelson Raincoat
  7. Gallery View, Japan - Yogi Installation
  8. Gallery View, Japan - Kimono Installation
  9. Farmer’s Coat
  10. Firefighter’s Hat
  11. Shibori Sample Book
  12. Section of a Variant Version of the Lotus Sutra
  13. Chang Warrior Body Cloth (detail)
  14. Hajichi Quilt (detail)
  15. The Planting & Manufacturing of Indigo in India
  16. The 18th Century Merchant Ship
  17. Ajrakh Process Textiles (detail)
  18. Sari
  19. Gallery View, Indonesia - Market Rack
  20. Gallery View, Guatemala - Market Rack
  21. Textile Fragment
  22. Third Phase Chief’s Blanket
  23. Temporary Spaces
  24. Dawn
  25. Work Clothes Quilt
  26. Levi’s® 501® Jean — Arizona Cowboy
  27. Clothing for Hagar
  28. Canneci Apache Camp Dress
  29. Indigo Microscope Slide
  30. Lampshade
  31. True Lover’s Knot
  32. Indigo-Resist Printed Quilt
  33. Medway Furnishing Textile Fragment
  34. Wholecloth Quilt, French Indigo Resist
  35. Ndop (Royal Display Cloth - detail)
  36. Process - Ndop Textile Panels
  37. Process - Ndop Textile Panel
  38. Tunic Fragment
  39. Oshe Shango (Dance Wand for Shango)
  40. Gallery View, Tuareg Clothing
  41. Gallery View, West-Africa - Nigeria Platform
  42. Gallery View, West-Africa - Market Rack
  43. Adire Eleko
  44. Adire Eleko